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Peel Tournament and Edmunston Championships

PEEL TOURNAMENT and EDMUNDSTON CHAMPIONSHIPS Tora Judo club had a strong showing at the Peel Judo Tournament in Woodbridge on April 1st. The club had 20 competitors for the day. A successful day resulted in 19 in the top three. The club had 5 first places, 10 second places and 4 third place finishes. First place finishes went to Deanna Barnes (U18), Alexia Fiaes, Ariel Lima. Lindsay Kuramoto and Sensei Grant Kuramoto placed first in Juno Kata. Carson Furneaux who has moved to Windsor also placed first. Second place went to Deanna Barnes (U16), Matthew Coculuzzi (U18), Sahil Syal, Trenton Achio (U12), Tim Saunders, Marcus Spanjevic, Leanne Lima and Rory McDonald. In the Kata Sensei’s Heather West and Tony Kelly placed second in Juno Kata and Lindsay Kuramoto and Sensei Grant Kuramoto in Goshin Jitsu kata. Third place finishes went to Alexandrea Flores, Trenton Achico (U12) and Logan Kinsley. Peter Koumoulas and Shaun Rangoo placed third in the Nage-no-Kata. Others fought well Sensei Mark Wilson and Peter Brighton fought up a division and had a strong finish. On the same weekend James Lonsdale fought in the Edmonston Championships and place first in his U16 division and 5th in his U18 division. Congratulations to all competitors.

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